I open my eyes but I can't see.
Open my mouth but nothing comes out.
Try to focus on hearing but there's only melody, no words.
I can only breathe, but I'm not alive.
And then I met you.
I met your skin and your short hair
And your lips and your voice telling me to calm down
Your laugh and your silence
Your tears and your touch
I heard your touch
Smelled your voice
Saw your scent
Felt your stare
Here, right now
While I have you in my arms
After watching that funny movie
And talking shit for some minutes
I can feel everything.
But it's not just feeling.
It's something else, something about your whole existence and what it means to me.
Lips for biting.
Teeth for feeling.
Skin for kissing.
Each touch belongs to each new sound
And you're the most complex song I've ever listened to.